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Two woman sat on couches, one is crying
Crying at work can show people you care about your job and make you appear more human, according to HR expert.
Tech Insider : Economy
A woman at work receiving feedback in a meeting
Good feedback is vital for retaining top performers, though they are the ones who aren't getting it (stock image).
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A ring buoy makes a splash in a swimming pool.
Jennifer Kraszewski, the chief human resources officer at Paycom, said employers need to do more to encourage workers to take their PTO.
Tech Insider : Economy
A hand being held out for a handshake while another hand appears to move away
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employee fired
Catherine Rymsha, a management lecturer at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, said a PIP is usually an invitation to leave a company.
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AA woman leaving an office building with a takeaway coffee.
Experts say unlimited PTO could be a sham (stock image.)
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Concept image of a man relaxing with feet on desk against a background of rushing people depicting stress free, relaxed attitude to work.
Valerie Rodriguez suggests hanging out at company functions for only an hour or two.