
The inexorable march toward the grave continues for all of us, though at the very least, we don’t have a capricious deity named Apple deciding our fate.


Oh, the irony of the National Security Agency suggests that smartphone users turn off their phones occasionally. But the NSA is right: you do need to restart your phone regularly to rid it of demons. Some phones even let you schedule the restart, so you don’t have to think about it.


Siri is dumb. It’s a sad fact, but the little assistant has long been a butt of jokes for its propensity to misunderstand even the most simple of requests.


I have been an iPhone user for the past seven years. However, I recently spent a few weeks with the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.


France may finally allow Apple to sell iPhone 12s in the country again after Apple has seemingly met the country’s electromagnetic radiation standards.