Gizmodo : Environment

Into fossils? Taking a road trip across the country and looking for a side quest? Perhaps you’re just looking for an escape from modernity writ large. Well, these are the places for you. More than 320 dinosaur species have been named in the United States and most of the states have produced at least one dinosaur…



Ancient South Americans were apparently inspired by fossilized dinosaur tracks in what is now eastern Brazil, where they cut figures into the rock, imprinted tens of millions of years earlier by the movements of giants.


Gizmodo : Environment

Dinosaurs’ reign on Earth ended explosively (and then dustily, as we’ll mention in this story) when an asteroid slammed into Earth some 66 million years ago. But the dinosaurs—and the diverse ancient creatures they shared the planet with—have kept many secrets locked away in their fossilized remains, secrets which…


Gizmodo : Environment

Fossilized human footprints at White Sands National Park in New Mexico are every bit as old as the 23,000 years-and-change they were dated at in 2021, according to new analysis