Tech Insider : Politics
oil rig
Republican-controlled states across the country are seeing record investment in renewable energy industries.
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three massive wind turbines turn offshore with a small boat in front of them
A boat sails past wind turbines north of Pingtan Island, opposite Taiwan, in China's southeast Fujian province on April 10, 2023.
Tech Insider : Politics
The coast along the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu
Satellite data show the sea level has risen about 6 mm per year around Vanuatu since 1993, a rate nearly twice the global average.
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A giant truck hauls ore
A group of companies that produce copper outlined plans to clean up their operations and energy use.
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Svitlana Krakovska wipes snow from her rooftop solar panels in Kyiv.
Svitlana Krakovska, Ukraine's top climate scientist, wipes snow from the solar panels she and her husband installed on the roof of their apartment building in Kyiv.
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Joe Manchin Davos
Several executives said US Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin's permitting-reform efforts, which have hit a wall in the Senate, are the type of changes needed to make getting projects approved easier.