
Americans have wanted a federal privacy law for years but intensive lobbying by the tech industry and general incompetence by our federal legislators has repeatedly thwarted that desire.


A data broker compiled a report on the geographical movements of visitors to Jeffrey Epstein’s “pedophile island,” culling it from mobile data that it acquired via unknown means, a

Gizmodo : Politics

The U.S. House passed a bill that would ban third-party data brokers from selling the user data of Americans to geopolitical adversaries like China and Russia. And while it still needs to pass the Senate to become law, it’s a step in the right direction as recent headlines mostly focus on a potential ban on TikTok in…


The National Security Agency (NSA) is purchasing Americans’ internet records, according to government documents made public on Friday. U.S.


Want to buy invasive personal details about an active-duty service member who works on a specific military base? You better have $0.12, because according to a new study that’s all it costs. The good news is the unregulated data brokers who sell that information probably won’t ask you any pesky questions about your…



A new law in California gives consumers the power to do something meaningful about the companies buying and selling their data for the very first time. On Tuesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the Delete Act into law, introducing a number of provisions that beef up state privacy regulations.