
In October 2002, Studio Pierrot released the anime adaptation of Mashashi Kishimoto’s Naruto. The manga was a big deal at the time and was grouped in with Bleach and One Piece as “the Big Three,” wherein each were the most popular and longest-running shonen series at the time. Naruto’s anime had similar success:…


Ninja Vs. Shark. It’s a movie. A real movie, one coming to theaters in Japan next month. It even has a real trailer, which is without question the most ludicrously violent, and violently silly, movie trailer I have ever seen.


Viz has uploaded hundreds of episodes to YouTube for free viewing. The catch is, of course, that these episodes are only available in the U.S. due to licensing restrictions.


It’ll only be a couple of months before Ufotable’s Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba returns for its third season. Season two received high marks when it came out, and its theatrical Mugen Train movie was a box office hit.