
This week, Star Trek: Prodigy dropped the first trailer for its second season, and it’s full of all the sort of good Star Trek action you’d want—even more so if, like me, you’re a Voyager fan.


There’s definitely a certain song that could be sung about the road Star Trek: Prodigy’s second season will have taken to our eyeballs by the time we get to


This month, Disney is celebrating the Season of the Force at its theme parks—new additions to Star Tours, character tweaks


Star Trek: Picard’s third and final season had a lot going on—and that’s even before you throw in half the regular cast of The Next Generation, and then some,


Twenty-eight years ago, Star Trek asked a daring question, one fitting of a franchise that triumphs boldly going and facing the unknown: should experimental FTL travel culminate in a captain and her helmsman