
Humans have been launching rockets to space for nearly 80 years, yet it feels as though we’ve only hit the tip of the iceberg in terms of what’s possible. These upcoming rockets provide a promising glimpse of what we can expect during the next era of spaceflight.



The Ukrainian space agency is not too happy with the results of an investigation into the Vega-C rocket anomaly, which blamed a faulty part made in Ukraine for the mission failure.


Gizmodo : Environment

The European Space Agency (ESA) announced the results of a months long investigation into the failed launch of its Vega-C rocket back in December, pinpointing a malfunction with a motor component as the reason behind the catastrophic anomaly.


As the race back to the Moon heats up—with plans for long-term human habitation—reliable communication is a fundamental issue. With dozens of plans for experiments of various sizes and scopes needing to communicate with each other and Earth, the European Space Agency has opened a call for help in building the required …

Gizmodo : Environment

ClearSpace, a Swiss space company, has secured clearance from the European Space Agency after the company’s first program review of its efforts to clear junk from Earth orbit by using a giant, four-armed robotic satellite to capture debris.


Gizmodo : Environment

The NASA-funded CAPSTONE probe has been working in a unique lunar orbit since November 13, 2022, where it’s setting the stage for a future space station and related space-based technologies. The $33 million cubesat appears to be getting the job done—no small miracle, given the endless issues that continue to plague…