Gizmodo : Environment

What were you doing on November 8, 2023? I couldn’t say for myself, but I can tell you what NASA’s Curiosity rover was doing: sitting still on its 4,002nd day on Mars, taking snapshots of the Martian surface.


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orange cat with white markings and blue eyes crouched on a grey couch watching a red laser with sciencey graphics and symbols lightly overlayed on the image
A screenshot from the video NASA laser-beamed to Earth from deep space.

Six California lawmakers wrote to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson last week to oppose the agency’s recent cuts to the Mars Sample Return mission, which aims to bring samples collected by the Perseverance rover on Mars to Earth.


Gizmodo : Environment

We’ve been capturing space-based images of Earth for nearly three-quarters of a century, but these eight views of Earth are each profound in their own way.


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SpaceX's Starship-Super Heavy rocket ready to launch.
Screenshot of SpaceX's Starship-Super Heavy rocket on launch pad. This photo was taken from the SpaceX livestream on X.
Tech Insider
The Mars Orbiter Camera on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft captured this high-definition image of Mars.