
NASA’s Perseverance rover, equipped with an advanced computer pilot known as AutoNav, has been making significant strides on the Martian surface, setting new speed records since its landing in February 2021.


Gizmodo : Environment

The findings from an independent review board suggest that NASA’s quest to return samples from Mars is riddled with challenges and seemingly impossible to accomplish under the current cost and schedule expectations.


Gizmodo : Environment

On April 20, 2021, the spiritedly-named MOXIE experiment on Mars extracted 5 grams of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere, demonstrating a potential future capability of an established human presence on the Red Planet—and in o

Tech Insider
Mars 2020 rover MOXIE
Members of NASA's Mars 2020 project install the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) into the chassis of NASA's next Mars rover.
Tech Insider
Elon Musk posing for a photo in a questioning manner in front of a space-themed background.
Elon Musk considered spending less time trying to fix Twitter in favor of focusing on AI concerns and colonizing Mars.
Gizmodo : Environment

It might only take 22 people to establish a colony on Mars, though that small group of cosmic inhabitants should have agreeable personality types to survive on the Red Planet, according to new research.



NASA’s Perseverance rover has been diligently collecting rocky samples from Mars to stow them away on the planet’s dusty surface while engineers work to develop a rocket that can launch off of another world as a crucial step in the process of retr

Tech Insider
A flash of light appears where the solar flare is released on the left side of the sun.
A picture of the sun taken on May 18 shows a powerful solar flare being released.
Gizmodo : Environment

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter has had a rough few months, first losing communication with its home planet and later suffering a glitch that interrupted its flight. But you can’t keep a good chopper down. Ingenuity soared above the Martian terrain once again as its team on Earth tries to figure out what went wrong with…

Tech Insider
side by side images show a picture of Mars and an artist's impression of the Insight Lander picking up seismic signals on Mars.
NASA's Insight lander sent back data from Mars that shows the planet is slowly accelerating, making its days fractionally shorter every year.