
Mixing your long plane ride with alcohol could be a dangerous cocktail for your heart, new research out Monday suggests. The small trial found that healthy volunteers experienced a greater drop in their blood oxygen level and corresponding rise in heart rate after drinking alcohol while sleeping in high-altitude…


Tech Insider
A diver of the British Royal Navy is walking down a pier of Cherbourg harbor on
A diver from the British Royal Navy wore a self-contained suit without a cable attaching him to a ship in 1944.
Gizmodo : Environment

The story of life on Earth can’t be told without photosynthesis, the process by which plants (and some other lifeforms) convert sunlight into chemical energy. Now, a team of researchers has announced the discovery of fossilized photosynthetic structures—the oldest yet known—from a staggering 1.75 billion years ago.


Gizmodo : Environment

While air is a gaseous delight unique to Earth, a team of astrophysicists have made a satisfying discovery: the direct observation of atomic oxygen on Venus’ dayside, confirming that the element crucial for our existence exists on both sides of the hellish planet.


Gizmodo : Environment

On April 20, 2021, the spiritedly-named MOXIE experiment on Mars extracted 5 grams of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere, demonstrating a potential future capability of an established human presence on the Red Planet—and in o

Gizmodo : Environment

We may some day be able to produce power from thin air—all thanks to bacteria living in dirt. Microbiologists at Australia’s Monash University have identified an enzyme within a bacteria found in soil that can produce electricity using nothing but hydrogen from the atmosphere.