Gizmodo : Environment

Thousands of satellites are currently parked in low Earth orbit, with some that will eventually become defunct and fall back towards our planet’s atmosphere. As they reenter the atmosphere, satellites leave behind a trail of chemicals that eat away at the ozone layer. A new study warns against the growing number of…


Gizmodo : Environment

With four damaged underwater cables in the Red Sea, telecommunication providers are now looking to the skies for connectivity. Satellite operators are lending their space-based connectivity to reroute internet traffic, suggesting that a hybrid system combining underwater and orbital internet might be the best approach…



This week, we saw the first-ever image of a newborn great white shark; scientists figured out what’s really happening when insects fly around artificial lights; and mathematicians reversed the sprinkler. Click through for our top science stories of the week.



Eutelsat, a leading satellite operator based in France, is encountering troubling delays in the deployment of its OneWeb satellite constellation that affect its plans to offer global-scale broadband coverage. The disruption to potential revenues is also a...minor factor.


Gizmodo : Environment

Amazon’s space venture, Project Kuiper, is making good progress, with a pair of prototype satellites executing controlled maneuvers in low Earth orbit. The ongoing Protomission, as it’s called, sets the stage for the company to further develop its internet satellite constellation, one that could eventually compete…



In the latest twist in the satellite industry, Boeing has decided to forfeit its license for a low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellation, a project that would’ve competed with SpaceX’s Starlink network.


Gizmodo : Environment

The Bezos-Musk rivalry intensifies this week as Amazon gears up for the launch of two demo internet satellites. This marks the beginning of the Amazon billionaire’s 3,236-satellite-strong megaconstellation that might one day compete with Musk’s leading space-based service, SpaceX—with “one day” being the operative…


Gizmodo : Environment

Late last year, a communications satellite unfurled its giant wings, stretching out a 693-square-foot (64-square-meter) antenna array in low Earth orbit. Once fully deployed, BlueWalker 3 became one of the brightest objects in the night sky, outshined only by the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and seven stars, according to new…



While traditional giants like Northrop Grumman and United Launch Alliance continue to contribute to space exploration with decades of experience, a new wave of ambitious and pioneering companies is rising.


Gizmodo : Environment

British satellite company OneWeb is counting its losses, and not its satellites. Following a fallout with the Russian space agency that led to 36 of its satellites being held captive in Kazakhstan, a company official said that they have “moved on.”