Gizmodo : Environment

China’s curious spaceplane is at it again, releasing an unidentified object into orbit that could signal the end of its mysterious mission.



NASA aims to set up a long-term human presence on the Moon, but maintaining a habitat on the surface will require some innovative infrastructure. To one day transport cargo across the dusty, cratered landscape, NASA is considering a magnetic levitation railway system.


Gizmodo : Environment

It’s raining space junk. Just one month after NASA admitted that a piece of trash tossed from the International Space Station (ISS) crash-landed through a home in Florida, a massive piece of space debris ended up on a farm in Canada.


Gizmodo : Environment

For more than five years, a pair of spacecraft have been traveling through the solar system to reach the innermost planet Mercury and observe its extreme conditions. During its complex journey, the BepiColombo mission ran into a problem that’s preventing its thrusters from operating at full power, potentially…



The future of space travel depends on our ability to reach celestial pit stops faster and more efficiently. As such, NASA is working with a technology development company on a new propulsion system that could drop off humans on Mars in a relatively speedy two months’ time rather than the current nine month journey…


Gizmodo : Environment

In our top stories this week, reporter Passant Rabie describes the rediscovery of a satellite lost in the 1990s and why we sometimes lose sight of our orbital property. Researchers have discovered what they claim is the world’s deepest blue hole, the Taam Ja’ Blue Hole in Mexico’s Chetumal Bay, and have yet to…


Gizmodo : Environment, Politics

This week, Russia unsurprisingly vetoed a draft resolution to prevent the placement of nuclear weapons in orbit. Russia’s rejection of the United Nations resolution is not a clear indication that it possesses orbital arsenal that could destroy satellite constellations, but it shows the country is not wavering under…


Gizmodo : Environment

China’s space station crew carried out two spacewalks this past winter to repair the solar wings attached to the core module, which had been damaged by space debris.


Gizmodo : Environment

A new experimental mission by NASA is now flying in orbit, aiming to use photons from the Sun to propel its way to higher altitudes.



Back in the 1980s, FedEx had a great tagline: “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.” Well, in situations like ground conflicts and disaster scenarios, that’s not good enough.