Gizmodo : Politics

The U.S. military has been using drones to shoot down enemy drones in the Middle East, according to a new report from Forbes, which cites the U.S. Army. And while it’s been public knowledge that lasers have been deployed on U.S.


The number of laser strikes against planes hit another record last month, according to new data obtained by Gizmodo. And the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would like Americans to get the message that it’s not just dangerous for people on the ground to shine lasers into the cockpits of passing aircraft, it’s…

Gizmodo : Environment

Conspiracy theorists spent Thursday trying to claim President Joe Biden had accidentally “admitted” that directed-energy weapons were being used to start devastating wildfires like the one in Texas this week that’s become the largest in state history.

Tech Insider
The Laser Weapon System temporarily installed aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey in 2012.
The Laser Weapon System temporarily installed aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey in 2012.

NASA just combined all of my favorite things: space, lasers, and cats. In a first-of-its-kind demonstration of deep space optical communication, the space agency streamed a high-definition video from 19 million miles away from Earth. And as it turns out, NASA is just as obsessed as we are when it comes to sharing cat…


A gold-capped laser transceiver attached to the asteroid probe Psyche saw its first light on Tuesday, sending and receiving data through laser beams from far beyond the Moon for the first time.


Tech Insider
Side by side images show lightning seemingly curving away from its path to follow a bright laser beam being shot toward the sky
Two side-by-side pictures of a lightning bolt interacting with a laser. It shows the bolt following the path of the laser on its way to the ground.