Tech Insider : Economy
Rideshare driver helps woman with luggage.
Drivers for Uber and Lyft told BI that helping with luggage doesn't lead to consistent tips. Drivers in the story aren't pictured.
Tech Insider : Economy
Two travelers wearing sunglasses and N95 masks and dragging suitcases alongside themselves walk in the direction of a rideshare pickup area, as indicated by a pink
Driving for Lyft isn't as profitable as CEO David Risher's LinkedIn posts would have you believe, according to one driver.
Tech Insider : Economy
Uber driver Estaphanie St. Just joins drivers for ride-hailing giants Uber and Lyft, as they hold a rally at a park near Los Angeles International Airport, Wednesday, May, 8, 2019, in Los Angeles.
Ride-hailing drivers receive tips from just a quarter of rides, according to Gridwise data.
Tech Insider : Economy
Lyft CEO David Risher standing in front of a gray wall with a white Lyft logo behind him.
Lyft CEO David Risher drove three trips for the ride-hailing app in Napa Valley, California.
Tech Insider : Economy
uber lyft drivers protest
Some Uber and Lyft drivers say they see more trips that pay less than $3, excluding tips.

Minnesota legislators reached a compromise with Uber and Lyft to increase pay for drivers across the state through a newly passed bill on Sunday, according to the Star Tribune.

Tech Insider : Economy
Woman driving a car
Uber and Lyft drivers were found to make less than minimum wage in five major metro areas.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
uber lyft driver
New Bank of America Institute data reveals gig driving continues to get more popular.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Uber driver in car driving gig
A full-time Cleveland Uber says none of his driving strategies have provided him the results he was hoping for. The driver in the story is not pictured.