Tech Insider : Economy
Three small houses next to one large one
Many financially independent Americans aren't letting their wealth complicate their lifestyles.
Tech Insider : Economy
Andrea Wallace with her family
Andrea Wallace and her husband are set to achieve financial independence in four years.
Tech Insider : Economy
Sam Dogen
Sam Dogen retired at 34, went back to work at 46, and retired again four months later at 47.
Tech Insider
Man posing in front of tea plantations on vacation
Christopher How is on track to retire by 50 in Singapore, one of the world's most expensive cities.
Tech Insider : Economy
Disha Spath and her husband
Disha Spath and her husband went from $750,000 in debt to a net worth of over $1 million.
Tech Insider : Economy
Julie Berninger with a coffee cup
Julie Berninger and her husband said they spend over $25,000 a month to focus on their businesses and spend time with their kids.