
OnePlus sure picked a heck of a time to launch its flagship stateside. Every Android manufacturer jumped out earlier this year, and the shelves seem slightly more stocked than usual. It’s good news for you if you’re buying an Android phone.


No matter what phone you’re carrying around, the one thing that can’t falter is battery life. That’s why we test every smartphone that comes through our review desk for its relative longevity.


I don’t like big phones. They are cumbersome to carry, they don’t fit into most of my size of pockets or purses, and I’m constantly dropping them. I wasn’t made for larger phones. But I can’t deny that they have their advantages. The bigger the phone you go, the longer the battery you’ll have so you can watch TV and…



Compared to a few of my coworkers, I’ve been a real Debbie Downer regarding foldables. Huddled for drinks or games with friends, I’d receive the usual “oohs” and “ahhs” every time I took out a new foldable I was reviewing. Then I would tell them the price. They’d grimace and say some variation of “No way I’m spending…