
DC and its Kryptonians are now set to rule over two summers in a row.


While the new DC movie universe isn’t coming until 2025 with Superman, there’s still a hope for the old films to live on, either in their own pocket universe o


Luke Cage showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker looks back on what could’ve been for season 3. La Brea teases its series finale. Netflix has iced Black Summer. Plus, what to expect on Quantum Leap. Spoilers, away!



Superman will make his return to the big screen next year and he might be bringing Supergirl with him.


That only 10 years have passed since the first film in the DC Extended Universe seems absurd.


This year, the once-untouchable Marvel Studios finally showed some vulnerability. For 15 years, the studio behind some of the biggest and best superhero movies ever was all but invincible. Every single gamble paid off.


“How do you sell a superhero comic these days?” is a question a lot of publishers and comics retailers are grappling with, but apparently at least in some very specific cases, the answer is “have James Gunn tweet about it.”


Social reactions for Blue Beetle buzz with excitement, marking an auspicious future for DC Studios’ clean cinematic start for its upcoming


Can a post-credit scene be more important than the movie itself? It’s an intriguing question to ponder, particularly if you’ve seen the two post-credit scenes waiting at the end of Shazam: Fury of the Gods.