Tech Insider : Politics
Side by side images of, left, Fidesz political director Balázs Orbán in 2023, and right, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in 2024.
Side by side images of Fidesz political director Balázs Orbán in 2023, and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in 2024.
Tech Insider : Politics, Politics
Viktor Orbán and Vladimir Putin
Hungary's leader Viktor Orbán has been shunned over his close ties to Russia's President Vladimir Putin.
Tech Insider : Politics
Viktor Orban, left, and Donald Trump, right, seen in a doorway at Mar-a-Lago in a still from a video shared by Orban's X account on march 10, 2024.
Viktor Orbán, left, and Donald Trump, right, seen in a doorway at Mar-a-Lago in a still from a video shared by Orbán's X account on march 10, 2024.
Tech Insider : Politics
Then-President Donald Trump in 2019 seated next to Hungary's Prime Minister Victor Orban at the White House. Trump is extending his hand towards Orban.
Donald Trump, the then-US president, greets Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orbán in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington on May 13, 2019.