
A young female FBI agent with unusually fine-tuned intuition comes aboard an active serial-killer case her superiors have been unable to crack, and proves to be the missing piece that helps move the investigation forward.


After a big month for spacey goodness in May, Lego is bringing things back down to earth for its June releases—or back down to Middle-earth in particular, with th


Even in the era where the House of Mouse is Star Wars’ home, few things about the galaxy far, far away have defined its relationship with Disney other than Star Tours,


Ancient South Americans were apparently inspired by fossilized dinosaur tracks in what is now eastern Brazil, where they cut figures into the rock, imprinted tens of millions of years earlier by the movements of giants.



The Flipper Zero is having a bit of a moment: it’s by no means a new device, but it is now grabbing more headlines than ever, thanks to its ability to brick iPhones,


We might be getting a lot of new Star Wars this year, but when it comes to new Star Wars toys, Hasbro is playing things close to the vest so far for 2024.


Did The Rise of Skywalker and rampant speculation over just which Skywalker is rising, who a Skywalker is, and why they’re rising break some brains over at Lucasfilm?


The live-action Clone Trooper has had a bit of a renaissance lately, between The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, and even Obi-Wan Kenobi and Andor last year, all taking us back to the Clone War and its aftermath to give us actual, physical live-action phase one and phase two Troopers on screen long after their digital debuts.…