Tech Insider
Tourists fill plastic bottles with water from a public fountain at the Sforzesco Castle, in Milan, Italy.
Scientists discovered hundreds of thousands of mico- and nanoplastics inside popular water bottle brands.
Tech Insider

About 20 years ago, Bangladesh became the first nation on Earth to ban single-use plastic bags. Since then, plastic pollution has gotten worse. To find a biodegradable replacement, the government turned to jute, a cash crop grown here for centuries.

Gizmodo : Environment

New research this week is the latest to show that microplastics have polluted just about everywhere on Earth. Scientists discovered plastic particles in cloud samples collected from atop a mountain in Eastern China.

Tech Insider : Environment
A woman in a car eats a McDonald's McFlurry with a spoon
McDonald's is getting rid of its hollow plastic McFlurry spoons in the US.
Tech Insider

In 2007, Israel set up blockades around the Gaza Strip, claiming that many everyday items could also be used to make weapons.

Gizmodo : Environment

Nowhere is safe from microplastics. Tiny plastic pieces are in waterways, in our bodies, and now researchers have found microplastics in clouds on top of Mount Fuji and Mount Oyama.


Gizmodo : Environment

In recent years, drink chains have switched their single-use cups from plastic to paper to avoid plastic pollution and pile-ups in landfills. But according to recent research, the plastic cup that we feel good walking out of a cafe with isn’t great for the environment either.