
When Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy returns for its fourth and final season, it won’t just have a new timeline, it’ll also bring some new blood to the cast.



Big deviations in the source material for adaptations can be a scary thing. The history of movie/TV adaptations is littered with examples of where this has gone horribly wrong. Every now and again the right combination of magic comes along that sees such changes not only succeed, but manage to transcend the original…


After its first two episodes, everyone knew The Last of Us was good, but episode three really put things on a whole new level.


Last night’s episode of The Last Of Us has genre TV fans everywhere buzzing, thanks in part to a certain vintage pop hit.


A few weeks ago, as I was watching screeners for HBO’s new show, The Last Of Us, I immediately thought about this moment. Today. Right now. You reading this. The day after everyone else could see what I just witnessed.