
A former TikTok employee turned whistleblower has reportedly met with multiple U.S. senators expressing concerns TikTok’s plan to secure U.S. user data won’t go far enough to stop possible Chinese espionage.


During a combative Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, Senate lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle doubled down on calls to gut major provisions of the internet’s most important legal liability shield.


Have you ever used TikTok for such a long time that you felt like your brain was going to melt and leak out of your ears? Well TikTok now has a plan (albeit certainly not foolproof) to prevent teens and children using the app from endlessly scrolling. In the next few weeks, all users under 18 years old will receive a…

Gizmodo : Politics

A fast-tracked, vague Republican bill granting the Biden administration the ability to impose a nationwide TikTok ban moved a step closer toward legality on Tuesday after passing a vote in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The sweeping new legislation, if passed into law, would grant the Biden administration the…

Gizmodo : Politics

In a move to cut government employees from accessing TikTok on government-issued devices, the White House told federal agencies yesterday that they have 30 days to remove the app from government-issued devices. The TikTok ban comes as the U.S.


Four unidentified flying objects have made their way across North American airspace since the end of January, and were subsequently shot down.

Gizmodo : Politics

The Lone Star State is charging ahead with a TikTok ban. On Monday, Governor Greg Abbott unveiled a new statewide model security plan to prohibit the app from government issued devices and networks in order to address potential “vulnerabilities,” presented by its use.

Gizmodo : Politics

TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew is set to testify before a congressional committee in in less than two months, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.

Gizmodo : Politics

The White House is facing mounting pressure from Congress to ban the widely popular TikTok app nationwide after Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) introduced a piece of legislation on Wednesday to curb its use.