
I often use the iPhone’s Voice Memos at product briefings for interviews. As you can imagine, transcribing a 20-minute recording could be tedious.


The Cybertruck continues to make us laugh with how bad it is, and now it’s literally breaking people’s fingers and slicing their legs. The strange, secretive AI model referred to as “gpt2-chatbot” has resurfaced. Check out the rest of the big tech news for the week.



This week, we got a first look at Apple’s super powerful, ultra-thin iPad Pro (and iPad Air). Amazon also found a way to jam even more ads into Prime video.

Tech Insider
a squishy ball being crushed for an Apple ad
A stress ball gets crushed by a hydraulic press in Apple's latest ad. Yes, it was shocking to some, but the backlash was extreme.

Apple apologized on Thursday for a new iPad Pro commercial that featured several creative objects—including a piano, video cameras, and cans of paint—being destroyed by an industrial crusher, telling Ad Age that it “missed the mark.” The ad was met with fierce backlash from people who thought Apple’s ad w

Tech Insider
Tim Cook about to be crushed by a hydraulic press
Apple has apologized for its ad that showed art supplies getting crushed in a hydraulic press. CEO Tim Cook shared it online before facing withering criticism.

The latest versions of the iPad Air and iPad Pro have effectively discontinued any Apple tablet with a headphone jack. I know, I know, that slow march away from dedicated audio jacks has been trending on for the last decade, as much as we might miss them. It seems audiophiles who want wired audio devices may be in…

Tech Insider
Tech giant Apple has drawn flak for its latest iPad commercial, which depicts various artistic tools being crushed by a hydraulic press.
Tech giant Apple has drawn flak for its latest iPad commercial, which depicts various artistic tools being crushed by a hydraulic press.