
This page was updated on 5/17/24 to include information on how to access the PPSPP and RetroArch emulators on iPhone.



Months after it shutdown the popular Switch emulator Yuzu over copyright infringement and piracy concerns, Nintendo has initiated a mass takedown of related backups and apparent clones on the Microsoft-owned platform Github. Over 8,000 repositories were removed as the Zelda publisher seemingly tries to stomp out forks…



Apple approved the inclusion of game emulators to the App Store earlier this month, but one of the first popular


Those who remember playing their Game Boys by the staccato glow of passing streetlights while sitting in the backseat of their parent’s cars sure have a bevy of retro handheld revivals to choose from. Though we’ve had plenty of strong contenders, nothing really beats the original Game Boy Color design with its…


You have to go back to the 1970s for the first generation of video game consoles, and many of them have been released since—consoles that have long since become outdated and obsolete.