Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
An American flag overlapped with a price tag
The persistence of inflation caught economists, analysts, and, most importantly, members of the Federal Reserve by surprise.

What a difference three months makes.

Tech Insider : Economy
Illustration of a worker stacking bricks.
The recent uptick in worker productivity is great news for companies, consumers worried about inflation, the US economy, and even the stock market
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Photo collage featuring Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell, the Capitol building, red dots with the Eye of Providence Double Exposure, and a downward-trending line
Conspiracy theorists are arguing that the Federal Reserve is trying to boost Biden's reelection chances. That's bad news for the US economy.
Tech Insider : Economy
Bankers wrestling a piggy bank
The US economy is about to make a soft landing — a situation in which inflation cools without causing a recession or sudden spike in unemployment.