Tech Insider
Ukraine servicemen
Ukrainian soldiers in Donetsk Oblast, April 7, 2024
Tech Insider
D 30 gun
Ukrainian soldiers at the artillery position in an unidentified area on the Adiivka frontline prepare to fire the D 30 gun.
Tech Insider
US Central Command and the Royal Jordanian Air Force conduct a combined humanitarian assistance airdrop to Northern Gaza to provide essential relief to civilians affected by the ongoing Israeli attacks on March 5, 2024, in Tampa, Florida, United States.
US Central Command and the Royal Jordanian Air Force conduct a combined humanitarian assistance airdrop to Northern Gaza to provide essential relief to civilians affected by the ongoing Israeli attack
Tech Insider
Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder
Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Patrick Ryder at a press conference at the Pentagon in Washington, DC, on August 22, 2023.
Tech Insider
Archer artillery system
An Archer artillery system firing on Russian position in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine, on December 16, 2023
Tech Insider : Politics
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the US Capitol
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy walking through the US Capitol between meetings with Congressional leadership on December 12, 2023 in Washington, DC.
Tech Insider
Ukrainian drone operator from the 24th Separate Mechanized
An image of a Ukrainian drone operator from the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade (unrelated to the story) testing new military equipment in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine on August 3, 2023.
Tech Insider : Politics
Sen. Mark Warner
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) speaking with reporters after attending a closed-door, classified briefing for Senators at the US Capitol Building on February 14, 2023 in Washington, DC.
Tech Insider : Politics
Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is perhaps the most prominent congressional advocate for conditioning US aid to Israel.
Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is perhaps the most prominent congressional advocate for conditioning US aid to Israel.