
It has been a pure delight to melt your brains every week, but today’s solution will be the last installment of the Gizmodo Monday Puzzle. Thank you to everyone who commented, emailed, or puzzled along in silence. Since I can’t leave you hanging with nothing to solve, check out some puzzles I made recently for the…


Puzzles and dystopian fiction have a recurring theme in common: those in power forcing their subjects to play twisted games for entertainment. Crack the spine of any brainteaser book, and it reads like The Hunger Games–prisoners vying for their lives and monarchs sacrificing their servants in the name of logic.


Gizmodo : Sports

Almost exactly a year ago, I posed a card puzzle here that sparked a frenzy in the comments section. The solution to that puzzle was so counterintuitive that several readers rejected it outright.


We all keep secrets. It’s easy to do once you’ve committed to it. Just don’t say anything. But it can be harder when you want to share a little bit of information, without your confidante inferring tea that you didn’t intend to spill. Computer scientists often draw this distinction between security and privacy.…