
Universal Studios would not be the premiere cinematic experience theme park without the Universal Monsters.


Over the last several weeks, we’ve been reporting on older movies making their way back to theaters.


When you die, what story will your teeth hold for the geneticists of the future? Hopefully the tale will be more uplifting than that of Vittrup Man, a forager-turned-farmer whose skull was smashed in over 5,000 years ago in what is now Denmark.


Tech Insider
A mummified woman's head and shoulders with her hair in braids and face turned to the side
Though the mummified woman's head is missing, a photograph of her remains.
Tech Insider
The skull of a mummified baboon preserved and held by the British Museum
Specimen EA 6738, held by the British Museum: Skull of a mummified baboon recovered from Thebes, Egypt and connected isotopically to Eritrea/Ethiopia/Somalia.
Tech Insider
A picture shows the inside of a sarcophagus, in which is placed an ancient Egyptian mummy in good state of conservation , under an ornate cartonnage and a mask representing the deceased's face.
An photo of a mummy found at the Tuna al-Gebel site, presented at a press conference on October 15.
Tech Insider
A close-up of Juanita's reconstructed face.
The reconstruction of the face of a young woman who was found frozen and mummified near the summit of Mount Ampato in the Peruvian Andes after being sacrificed in a ritual more than 500 years ago, in Arequipa, Peru.
Tech Insider
A view inside the recently discovered tomb at the Saqqara archaeological site.
A view inside the recently discovered tomb at the Saqqara archaeological site.

Over a century ago, the mummy of a teenage boy was found in Nag el-Hassay, Egypt. The body remains wrapped to this day, but a team of researchers just used CT scanning to peer through the linens to find 49 amulets on and inside the boy’s body.