Tech Insider
Shantanu Narayen, CEO of Adobe
Shantanu Narayen, CEO of Adobe.

This week, the company behind the wearable chatbot AI Pin is already looking to sell for upwards of a billion dollars just one month after its rough product launch.


This post was updated 5/22/24 to include information about our experience with the battery.



Microsoft smells blood in the water, and it seems to be exclusively gunning for Apple’s latest ultra-thin laptops and iPads with devices sporting all-day batteries and ARM-base


According to the latest reports, Apple is preparing to unleash an AI avalanche on iPhones at its upcoming WWDC 2024. This will include some cloud-based as well as on-device AI models, but it will be through the lens of easily the most well-known and widest-reaching AI developers around today, OpenAI.


What is AI art? Well, of all the many, many ways armchair philosophers have come to define art and the act of human expression, AI-generated images don’t have much in relation. There is certainly skill in knowing the correct type of prompt to get the results you want, but there’s no real intent behind an image. If the…