Tech Insider : Environment
Garrett Madison
Mountaineer and Everest guide Garrett Madison climbed Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, and Mt. Nuptse in a single expedition season. He and his team also removed about 2,000 pounds of trash from these peaks.
Tech Insider

In northwestern Syria, families make a living scouring through dangerous dumps for treasures they can sell. The job could make them sick — or even kill them — but in a country that's suffering a major economic crisis, it's often the only choice they have.

Tech Insider
Can Monkey branded trash bin
Can Monkey was founded in Scottsdale, Arizona, in 2018.

It’s all too easily done—you tap in the wrong place or on the wrong thumbnail, and suddenly that special photo has disappeared from your gallery. Even worse, you might not even notice straight away, which means that at some point further down the line you’re going to be frantically looking for a picture that you know…



If you’ve ever stumbled upon Shudder Original Fried Barry—the tale of a sleazy drug addict who gets possessed by an alien and heads out for a debauched rampage around Cape Town—you might not be surprised to hear its director, Ryan Kruger, is planning

Tech Insider

At Disney World, the Magic Kingdom uses a system of pneumatic tubes to keep trash out of sight for park visitors. While this was supposed to be the future of waste disposal, only one other place in the US uses something like it on a similar scale: Roosevelt Island in New York City.


Your digital files, from photos of your family to your financial records, are likely to be very important to you. So it’s essential that they’re well secured... and well secured means going above and beyond just putting a password on your laptop or a passcode on your phone. There are plenty of other security…

Gizmodo : Environment

Some unsettling imagery out of Europe last week: The Drina river, a 215-mile waterway that constitutes much of the border of Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia, has been covered in trash.