
Human drama suffused with alien weirdness? A shotgun blast of emotional sincerity to sweep you away from barely coherent sci-fi technobabble? The power of love, specifically encapsulating queer love? David Tennant and Catherine Tate running around the place having the time of their lives? Do not adjust your clocks…



A new Fall of the House of Usher clip introduces us to its world. Chucky makes a threat in new footage from season 3. Samara Weaving’s new sci-fi action movie finds a home.. Plus, teases for Luca Guadagnino’s take on Lord of the Flies, and even more footage from Saw X and Exorcist: Believer. Spoilers now!



io9 first caught director and co-writer Laura Moss’ debut birth/rebirth at the Sundance Film Festival in early 2023—read our review here—and its grisly yet deeply emotional exploration of


I know that the Demeter travelogue portion of Dracula takes literally less than ten pages in the whole book, but those epistolary passages (well known to anyone who follows Dracula Daily, as we have just sailed


Since late last year, Robert Eggers has been gradually adding stars to the incoming remake of Nosferatu that he’ll be writing and directing.


io9 is proud to present fiction from LIGHTSPEED MAGAZINE. Once a month, we feature a story from LIGHTSPEED’s current issue. This month’s selection is “Learning Letters” by Carrie Vaughn.


Heartbreak and body horror intersect in Laura Moss’ Birth/Rebirth, a homage to Frankenstein and David Cronenberg’s