
Republican politicians in Alabama expressed outrage about an employee of the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville on Monday. What did the employee do wrong? Nothing, as far as anyone can tell. They’re just angry the employee is trans.



Alex Jones is suffering under the weight of massive lawsuits and harsh social media bans, but he’s still finding ways to get his crazed philosophy out into the wider web.

Gizmodo : Politics

The hits keep on coming for Alex Jones, the disgraced radio host who peddled lies and conspiracy theories on his show Infowars following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.


Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist under Donald Trump and host of the War Room podcast, is again under scrutiny after a study revealed his show ranks number one for sharing conspiracy theories and misleading or false informatio


Nick Fuentes, a known white nationalist streamer who pushes Holocaust denial conspiracies and other anti-Semitic hate, has a lingering, if not growing presence across social media. He has followers subtly spreading his ideology on sites like Instagram, but now Elon Musk and Twitter has done the overt racist,…