Gizmodo : Environment

A paramount rule of the animal kingdom is not to be seen unless you want to be. It goes for predators as much as prey: going unnoticed means surviving longer, either because it allows you to catch food or keeps you from becoming it. Here are some of the more creative ways that natural selection has produced effective…



Billions of years of evolution has given rise to us, the millions of species that persist on planet Earth today. Some of us are small, some of us are big, and some of us have huge ears, flat tails, compound eyes, or infrared vision.


It’s still kind of wild to us that last year brought a new Predator movie, and a good one at that.


Anyone disappointed that they didn’t get to see last year’s awesome Predator-prequel Prey in theaters will soon get the next best thing.


Prey, Dan Trachtenberg’s installment into the Predator franchise, is arriving on 4K UHD, Blu-ray and DVD on October 3. There will also be a collector’s edition steelbook for the 4K edition, designed by Attila Szarca, exclusively available at Best Buy. Notably, Prey didn’t make it to theatrical release, and was…

Gizmodo : Environment

A woman and her 1-year-old son were fatally attacked by a polar bear in the small whaling village of Wales, Alaska, last week.