Tech Insider
Picture of phone that displays OpenAI logo.
OpenAI's ChatGPT, a chatbot that was released in November, has reignited concerns about the proliferation of AI-generated content.
Tech Insider
An eye looking at boxes filling up with AI generated text
The new Google and Microsoft chatbots get stuff wrong and lie. So why do we fall for their shtick?
Tech Insider
AI artificial intelligence illustration
Microsoft's AI-powered Bing can now write cover letters — and it shows how fast the technology is evolving.
Tech Insider
Sundar Pichai
Google's facing intense competition from Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI, and combined with other challenges, its a tough road a ahead for the search giant.
Tech Insider
ChatGPT Chat with AI or Artificial Intelligence technology, business use AI smart technology by inputting, deep learning Neural networks to understand, respond to user inputs. future technology
Generative AI like ChatGPT is set to be the defining technology of the year, experts say.