Tech Insider
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg teased that a new Meta prototype is on the way in a recent interview.
Tech Insider
Mark Zuckerberg
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed his biggest AI turnoff.

A California bill that attempts to regulate large frontier AI models is creating a dramatic standoff over the future of AI. For years, AI has been divided into “accel” and “decel”.

Tech Insider
Ami Vora sitting in red dress
Ami Vora worked as a director at Instagram and VP at Facebook and WhatsApp. But first, she was a Facebook temp in the PR department.
Tech Insider
Boxing gloves with the apple and meta logos
Apple and Meta probably aren't doing anything together on AI anytime soon.
Tech Insider : Style
Mark Zuckerberg smiling.
Mark Zuckerberg is becoming more like a style influencer in 2024.
Tech Insider
Palmer Luckey Anduril CEO
Oculus founder Palmer Luckey.
Tech Insider : Style
A photo of Mark Zuckerberg wearing a Balmain shirt while on vacation.
A photo of Mark Zuckerberg wearing a Balmain shirt while on vacation.