
A California bill that attempts to regulate large frontier AI models is creating a dramatic standoff over the future of AI. For years, AI has been divided into “accel” and “decel”.


AI is too dumb to regulate now, according to Meta’s head of artificial intelligence research in an interview with the Financial Times.

Tech Insider
Godfathers of AI
Three of the "godfathers of AI" helped spark the revolution that's making its way through the tech industry — and all of society. They are, from left, Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton, and Yoshua Bengio.
Tech Insider
Geoffrey Hinton stood under a tree outside a building with a Google logo on the outside.
Computer scientist and former Google Brain VP Geoffrey Hinton.
Tech Insider : Politics
Computer scientist Geoffrey Hinton stood outside a Google building
Geoffrey Hinton told MIT Tech Review about his worries over how AI tools, which he helped pioneer, will be used.