Tech Insider
Lux Capital cofounder and managing partner Josh Wolfe
Lux Capital venture capitalist Josh Wolfe said biology and robotics will be big investing areas for AI.

Are you a fan of robots but just think they should have human-like skin and smile more? Well, you’re in luck, weirdo.


Tech Insider
Walmart warehouse
Inside a Walmart warehouse.
Tech Insider
Photo of Tesla's humanoid robot called Optimus. It has white body parts and an all-black head with a blue light
The prototype for Optimus was first revealed in September 2022.

Waymo issued a voluntary recall of the driverless car company’s mapping software on Wednesday after an unoccupied vehicle hit a telephone pole while trying to pick up a passenger last month. The company tells Gizmodo it’s issuing an update to 672 vehicles and has filed a notice with the National Highway Traffic Safety…



NASA aims to set up a long-term human presence on the Moon, but maintaining a habitat on the surface will require some innovative infrastructure. To one day transport cargo across the dusty, cratered landscape, NASA is considering a magnetic levitation railway system.


Tech Insider
Creating human embryos with robots and AI.