Gizmodo : Politics

Apple dropped the term “state-sponsored” from threat notifications sent to users, first reported by

Tech Insider
A photo of iPhone 14s on display at a store
Apple recently released an important iPhone update to target a security hole and prevent hacking.
Gizmodo : Politics

Earlier this year, the New York Times reported that an unknown federal agency had breached official White House policy and used secretive methods to conduct a business deal with the NSO Group, a


The U.S. government placed two Israeli spyware companies on a blacklist this week, all but totally cutting them off from business opportunities with American firms. The move is yet another attempt by the Biden administration to clean up the ethically bankrupt spyware industry before it spins totally out of control.


Astronomical phenomena tend to occur over timespans that dwarf our human scale—a galaxy changes over millions and billions of years, not decades.