Tech Insider
smiling young man wearing a suit and hawaiian style necklaces hold a long rectangular pink and yellow trophy in front of an orange wall with Regeneron ISEF written on it
Maddux Alexander Springer holds the trophy he won for his research on sea turtle tumors at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair.
Tech Insider
Three women stand on stage smiling while the teenager in the middle holds an ISEF award
Maya Ajmera, Grace Sun, and Christina Chan on stage at this year's Regeneron ISEF ceremony, where Sun won the top prize.

The most preeminent member of one of the U.S.’s most preeminent universities plans to step down in a month’s time. The news out of Stanford comes after student journalists uncovered allegations that their dear leader’s old lab had manipulated data in dozens of major scientific papers published in many preeminent…

Gizmodo : Politics

Meta is lifting former President Donald Trump’s two-year ban on Facebook and Instagram following controversial posts after he lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden and in response to his posts that lead up to the January 6 insurrection.