
Working long hours outdoors is a skin cancer hazard, and new research estimates that about one in three deaths caused by non-melanoma cancers annually can be attributed to occupational exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. As of the latest available data, this amounted to nearly 19,000 such work-related deaths…



An experimental gene therapy that uses a modified herpes virus shows promise as a brain cancer treatment, according to new research. The Phase I study found evidence that the virus could safely induce an immune response that attacked the often-fatal cancer. It also seemed to extend the length of survival in those who…


Tech Insider : Politics
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise at a press conference on Capitol Hill on September 27, 2023.
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise at a press conference on Capitol Hill on September 27, 2023.
Tech Insider
The Apple store in Paris France is a white building with an Apple logo flag hanging.
The iPhone 12 will be taken off shelves across France after concerns over the phone's radiation levels

Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have developed an implant, notably as small as a grain of rice, that can test the effects of drugs on a patient’s brain tumor in real-time during surgery. Currently, monitoring the effects of drugs on a brain cancer patient during surgery is limited to intraoperative brain imaging and tissue sampling after a drug has been administered.


Cancer cases and deaths in younger people have substantially increased globally over time, new research out this week has found. The study shows that the reported incidence of cancer in people under the age of 50 has climbed between 1990 to 2019. The authors say that dietary and lifestyle habits such as smoking and…



The internet is a source of many things, such as yummy recipes, tech deals and horrible misinformation. The latter often spreads through social media sites, something they have to combat (or usually choose to ignore). Right now, YouTube is choosing to fight, announcing a new long-term policy plan to grapple with medical misinformation, especially about cancer.


An international team of scientists has developed a new technology that can help detect (or even treat) cancer in hard-to-reach places, such as the colon. The team has published a paper in Science for the technique dubbed CATCH, or cellular assay for targeted, CRISPR-discriminated horizontal gene transfer.


Here’s some potentially happy news: Depression and anxiety might not raise the chances of cancer after all, new research this week has found. The study, a review of existing research, found no significant link between either condition and an increased risk of cancer in general, or many of the most common types of…