Gizmodo : Environment

Our quickly warming world is losing many signs of winter—once snowy mountain tops aren’t as frosty tipped, glaciers are disappearing, and sea ice at the poles is melting at alarming rates. But new research outlines a small reason for optimism. Scientists project that even though climate change will make the world…


Gizmodo : Environment

Nearly 400,000 people in the U.S. were still without power across the country Wednesday morning as wild winter weather pummeled both coasts.



More than 75,000 customers in California were without power Thursday afternoon after yet another winter storm dumped feet of snow.



Weird weather has swarmed the U.S. this week, creating widespread travel delays and blackouts for communities across the country.


Gizmodo : Environment

A diagonal line stretching from New Mexico to Massachusetts is set to effectively split the country in half this week. Aside from a narrow range in the middle of the divide, most places to the west and north of the split will face temperatures far below average along with intense winter storms, while states to the…

Tech Insider : Politics
A map of the US that shows different belts highlighted in various colors.
Regions of America that transcend state lines include the Bible Belt and the Rust Belt.

State officials say California’s snowpack is the highest it’s been in decades for early February, the Los Angeles Times reported.



Welp, it’s official: New York City has been snow-free for the longest time in its recorded history this winter. On Monday, January 29, the city surpassed the previous date of the longest amount of time without snowfall in a winter season, beating out a record set in 1970.