Gizmodo : Environment

Temperatures are currently cooling down across the U.S., but much of the country is in for a warmer, wetter winter than usual, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in this year’s winter outlook.

Gizmodo : Environment

Our quickly warming world is losing many signs of winter—once snowy mountain tops aren’t as frosty tipped, glaciers are disappearing, and sea ice at the poles is melting at alarming rates. But new research outlines a small reason for optimism. Scientists project that even though climate change will make the world…


Gizmodo : Environment

The climate crisis is going to expose more of the world to both hotter weather and heavy rainfall. This could create dangerous flood conditions new research has found.

Gizmodo : Environment

About 70,000 Burning Man attendees in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert were stuck in the mud this weekend after torrential rains this past Friday evening.


Gizmodo : Environment

Record-breaking heat in Arizona is killing off the iconic southwestern saguaro cactuses. Yes, cactuses are desert life and they’re made to withstand heat. But there is such a thing as temperatures that are too high, even for cactuses that grow in locations that have seen triple-digit temperatures this summer.


State officials say California’s snowpack is the highest it’s been in decades for early February, the Los Angeles Times reported.



Welp, it’s official: New York City has been snow-free for the longest time in its recorded history this winter. On Monday, January 29, the city surpassed the previous date of the longest amount of time without snowfall in a winter season, beating out a record set in 1970.

Gizmodo : Environment

An Arctic cold front is bearing down on the Great Plains and points south, all the way into Central Texas this week.


I moved apartments last month and, in a fit of unusual preparedness, I made sure to get my snow boots and gloves out of storage and keep them at the front of my closet when I unpacked. I was anticipating a January like I’ve had in the past few years of living in Brooklyn, dotted with regular snowstorms and bitingly…