Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
Two images: Left: A lake surrounded by homes and fall trees reflected in the water. Right: A parent takes a selfie with a family of four inside a red kayak in a lake with evergreen trees and a rocky waterfall in the background.
Rob Taylor and his family of four take road trips to under-the-radar cities and national parks in the US.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
Two images. Left: A cathedral on the left side of a canal at sunset on a cloudy day. Right: Right: A woman carries a backpack with trees on either side of her and a Renaissance building behind her.
Claire Sturzaker is a full-time solo traveler who recommends visiting Zaragoza, Spain, a hidden gem.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
Left: A lighthouse on the edge of Llanddwyn Island with the Mountains of The Lleyn Peninsula in the background. Right: African landscape with palm trees on the river bank
Wales and Kenya are trying to attract more visitors.