Tech Insider : Crypto
Sam Bankman-Fried with the Doordash logo and an Amazon Prime airplane
Sam Bankman-Fried gave FTX staff lavish perks for food and Amazon delivery.
Tech Insider : Crypto
A woman holds a sign that says
El Salvador made bitcoin official currency. Now a new crop of bitcoin experiments wants to do the same around the world.
Tech Insider : Crypto

Good morning. I'm senior editor, Max Adams. 

You don't have to be an avid follower of the media's comings and goings to know that yesterday was a momentous day for cable news. 

Specifically, two of the biggest US news personalities are out — Fox News said goodbye to Tucker Carlson while CNN showed Don Lemon the door

Tech Insider : Crypto
A row of newly-built houses in a residential subdivision.
Tricon Residential is slowing purchases in the face of higher interest rates. But it's also waiting for opportunities to buy larger portfolios at discounted prices, its CEO, Gary Berman, said.