Tech Insider
Burt's Bees Hidden Valley Ranch lip balms
The flavors in the limited edition Burt's Bees pack are inspired by elements of a hot wings meal.
Tech Insider
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg is raising cattle at his ranch in Hawaii
Gizmodo : Environment

Federal officials from the U.S. Forest Service on Friday climbed into helicopters with high-powered rifles and set their sights on cows. A planned “lethal removal” of about 150 un-owned cattle roaming New Mexico’s Gila Wilderness in Gila National Forest was set to begin Thursday and run through Sunday, February 26.

Gizmodo : Environment

At the first National Forest site we visited in California’s remote Modoc Plateau, nearly every plant had been chewed on by cattle. The botanists, there to track down and collect seeds from rare plants, pointed out the soil erosion from stomping hooves. The cow pies were everywhere, unavoidable on the steep roadside…