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A man at a computer with psychedelic colors coming out of his head
Drugs used to be viewed as dangerous or just for fun. Now they're increasingly seen as a useful tool to get better at work.
Tech Insider
Matthew Perry
Matthew Perry in November 2022.
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matthew perry
Matthew Perry poses for a portrait in 2014.

Meta is once again showing the limits of its own Supreme Court’s policy recommendations. This time, the disagreement centers around the ways users can post about certain drugs like ketamine on Facebook and Instagram. These drugs, which can straddle the line between recreational and therapeutic use, can run right up…



New research might complicate our understanding of ketamine as a potential treatment for depression. The study found that people with depression who were either given saline or ketamine before undergoing anesthesia for a surgery experienced a similar improvement in their symptoms afterward. The findings suggest that…



The Food and Drug Administration is warning people to stay away from unapproved sources of ketamine. According to the agency, compounded ketamine is increasingly being sold as a treatment for depression and other mental health issues, despite it not being tested or authorized for such uses. The FDA also says it is…



New research appears to show that a ketamine-based nasal spray can outmatch a standard option for people with treatment-resistant depression. The large clinical trial found that people taking the spray in combination with other antidepressants were more likely to experience a sustained remission of their symptoms than…


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