Tech Insider : Environment
A map showing a continental shelf in northwestern Australia, denoting areas — including an archipelago — that would have been above sea level between 70-61,000 years ago.
During lower sea levels, a vast archipelago formed on the Australian northwest coast, the scientists said.
Tech Insider
DC Rivals HyperCoaster at Warner Bros. Movie World, Australia.
DC Rivals HyperCoaster at Warner Bros. Movie World, on Australia's Gold Coast.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
A photo of the Vienna city skyline.
This European city was ranked as the top place for ex-pats to move to. Do you recognize this skyline?
Tech Insider
Brumbies running in the snow.
Wild horses are called brumbies in Australia, and can often be seen as pests.
Tech Insider
A snake bites into cellophane covering the top of a shot glass and releases its venom into the glass.
A snakebites into cellophane covering the top of a shot glass and releases its venom into the glass.