Tech Insider
The remote operated vehicle used to explore the ocean floor
A remote-operated vehicle used to explore the ocean floor off Minami-Torishima island.
Tech Insider : Environment

Your average EV has six times more mineral content than a petrol- or diesel-powered vehicle. All those metals need to be dug, scraped, blasted, or leached out of the earth. There is massive demand for batteries as countries eye up ambitious zero-emissions targets. But what's the cost?

Tech Insider
A rear view of a cargo ship stacked with containers alongside a wharf at Port of Antwerp-Bruges in Antwerp, Belgium, Oct. 27, 2022
A cargo ship berths at a container dock of the Port of Antwerp-Bruges in Antwerp, Belgium, Oct. 27, 2022
Tech Insider
Bag of stones
JPMorgan Chase thought it had $1.3 million of nickel, but they were all bags of stones. It's happened before to many others.
Tech Insider
A warehouse filled with bags of different colored stones
Turns out that JPMorgan's bags of nickel are actually bags of stones.
Tech Insider
shipping containers
A container cargo ship in Rotterdam Harbour on April 4, 2021 in the Netherlands. Rotterdam is the largest shipping port outside of Asia.
Tech Insider
2021 Nissan Leaf.
Nissan and startup Relyion just announced a partnership to repurpose old Leaf batteries.