
An experimental gene therapy that uses a modified herpes virus shows promise as a brain cancer treatment, according to new research. The Phase I study found evidence that the virus could safely induce an immune response that attacked the often-fatal cancer. It also seemed to extend the length of survival in those who…


Gizmodo : Environment

One animal’s poo might be another person’s treasure. Scientists in the UK say they’ve discovered viruses that could be turned into a weapon against bacterial superbugs in a perhaps unexpected place: the feces of several endangered species at a nearby zoo. The team believes these viruses could be especially effective…


Gizmodo : Environment

In new research this week, scientists say they’ve unearthed a viral denizen from the depths of the Mariana Trench. The virus is believed to be the deepest of its kind ever discovered and preys on certain bacteria.



A group of common cold viruses may be able to cause a life-threatening, if rare, blood clotting condition, recent research suggests. A team of scientists in the U.S. and Canada have recently found evidence linking the viruses to two cases of the condition, in a child and an adult. At this point, however, much remains…


Gizmodo : Environment

The Last of Us, eat your heart out. Scientists at the University of Georgia say they’ve developed a vaccine that should be able to protect against a variety of dangerous fungi. In animal studies, the vaccine prevented severe infections and deaths from three types of fungi that often cause opportunistic illness in…


Common viral infections may be having far-reaching effects on our brain health, new research suggests. The study found a link between dozens of different viral exposures and a later increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders. More research will be needed to untangle the true role, if any, these…